Remember the sound of silence?

by Mark Clayton Christian Science Monitor April 15, 2004 Ah, the sounds of spring! Birds chirping, peepers peeping, a breeze rustling in the trees – as lawn mowers rumble, cellphones ring, and car stereos throb their way through neighborhoods. Warm weather...

Boom Time on Highways Rattles Drivers

by Ryan Cormier The News Journal April 23, 2004 Last weekend’s 80-degree weather was a preview for some Delaware residents. Sure, there was a taste of spring, but the real sneak peek was at what music is topping the charts. With the warm weather come open...

Cicadas Have No Monopoly on Big Noise

by Marc Fisher Washington Post May 23, 2004 It may be of little solace, but those cicada guys whose mating call creates the whirring drone now ringing in our ears really do go quiet, and not only when they die. No, Mr. Cicada produces his courtship calls while...

Your Wheels: Refusing to Go Quietly

by Ralph Vartabedian Los Angeles Times June 2, 2004 Backed by laws that allow higher decibel levels for mufflers, a small group of car enthusiasts faces down anti-noise activists. “You have got to let people live,” says Maurice Johannessen, the author of...

Letter Receives a roar of approval

Los Angeles Times June 26, 2004 I am writing in regard to Lee Brandt’s letter (“Above the din, can you hear the question?”, June 2). I have to say that I’m glad you wrote. I am very appreciative of the fact that others in Burbank want a quiet...