Noise: It’s All in the Definition

by Cindy Bevington KPC Media Group (Indiana) August 26, 2007 School’s back in session. And, with it, neighborhoods are suddenly awake with the tintinnabulation of the sounds of school — marching bands with screeching trombones and big bass drums, roaring...

Biker festival to tone it down a notch

by Robert J. Smith Arkansas Democrat Gazette ( October 1, 2007 FAYETTEVILLE — Oklahoma police stopped Paul Schmidt six times in a year because his Honda 750 Spirit made too much noise. That got old real fast. So Schmidt will head to Fayetteville this week...

Why not nip biker noise in the tailpipe?

by Fred Grimm The Miami Herald October 21, 2007 Evening breeze. Outdoor table. Bottle of wine. She smiles and begins to say something tailored to a perfect South Florida night. And . . . And her words are devoured by a thunderous clamor. The wine ripples. Your cheeks...