Motorcycles shouldn’t be given special treatment

by Don Scott Napa Valley Register September 24, 2014 I have written letters to newspapers on this subject for several years now, due to the continuous noise from motorcycles with illegal exhaust systems on the streets and roads in upper Napa Valley. The noise created...

Police should cite noisy motorcycles

by Don Scott St. Helena Star November 10, 2014 I applaud the city of St. Helena for conducting a citizen survey of police priorities. Given the extreme amounts of noise from loud motorcycles, this deserves to be a priority. I should explain that I don’t live in...

Letter: We’re drowning in noise pollution

by Angela Norton Battle Creek Enquirer April 18, 2015 April 20-24 is Earth Week, a time to celebrate nature and the need to protect our air, water, and land. But what about the need to protect peace and quiet? The United States is becoming increasingly noisy....

Letters to the Editor

by Ted Rueter Durham Herald-Sun April 18, 2015 Act against scourge of noise April 20-24 is Earth Week, a time to celebrate nature and the need to protect our air, water and land. But what about the need to protect peace and quiet? The United States is becoming...