Lovers of Quiet

by Chris Smith Santa Rosa Press Democrat November 24, 2002 LOVERS OF QUIET struck a nerve when they criticized Santa Rosa’s Flowmaster Mufflers for producing exhaust systems that make cars rumble and roar. A group called Noise Free America slammed Flowmaster,...

Dinwiddie Residents Opposed to Quarry

by Lea Setegn The Richmond Times Dispatch November 27, 2002 DINWIDDIE Forty-five people at Eastside Community Enhancement Center last Friday night agreed they don’t want another quarry in Dinwiddie County. But what to do next, and whether they can stop the...

Boom! Boom!

by Brian Neill The Metro Spirit December 1, 2002 No doubt you’ve experienced the reverberating thunder at a red light, a pounding sound with the ability to rattle nerves and compound the problems of the day. Or, maybe you awoke last night to the throbbing,...

Some Cities Seek the Sounds of Silence

Canadian Press Wire December 5, 2002 For the weary traveler, there is probably nothing as aggravating as being kept awake by constant noise, or jarred from sleep by startling sounds in the middle of the night. Many people have found themselves in a hotel room where...

For Travelers, Silence is Golden

by Ken Becker The Vancouver Sun December 7, 2002 For the weary traveler, there is probably nothing as aggravating as being kept awake by constant noise, or jarred from sleep by startling sounds in the middle of the night. Many people have found themselves in a hotel...


Duluth News Tribune January 8, 2003 Noisy Administration Just when you think the digs at outgoing Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura had subsided, along comes another one. This one comes from Noise Free America, a group based in New Orleans that has awarded Ventura its...