Fort Worth gets notice for its noise

Fort Worth Star-Telegram December 4, 2007 Cowtown shows up on a lot of lists these days. Most affordable cities; cities with the best bowling with celebrities columnist. But Noisy Dozen? That’s a new one to me. Noise Free America, a Madison, Wis., group has...

Tougher laws proposed for noise violators

Fox35 (Orlando, Florida) January 5, 2008 ORLANDO, Fla. (WOFL FOX 35) — In 2005, our legislators cracked down on loud music systems in cars, allowing officers to write tickets if they can hear music from at least 25 feet away. Minimum fines...

Lowering ‘boom’ of car stereos

by Sandra Pedicini Orlando Sentinel ( January 5, 2008 Anti-noise activists say blaring music from autos deserves stiffer fines You’re sitting at a stoplight, relaxing to your favorite tunes, when suddenly your music is drowned out, no match...

Christiansburg not shouting about award

by Donna Alvis-Banks The Roanoke Times January 8, 2008 The town has its own “Noisy Dozen Award” from Noise Free America. Christiansburg has won its first award of 2008. Before you fire up the noisemakers, however, consider the source. Noise Free America, a...

Stop That Noise!

by Michael Freeman The Ledger ( (Lakeland, Florida) January 11, 2008 I’m a fan of the organization Noise Free America and have written about them before. Any organization that devotes itself to turning down the volume — particularly on those...